- October 1973
- Began operations as Yamagata Hakushinsha.
Manufactured wooden toys and traditional crafts.
- March 1977
- Began producing Official Kendama
- November 1978
- Received request from Japan Kendama Association Chairman Issei Fujiwara.
Became the officially designated Official Kendama factory.
- July 1985
- At the same time began production of the Official Kendama “Fuji”
- January 1990
- Began production of Trophy Model 28 and 38
- May 1990
- Presented the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Cup for Manufacturing
- December 1990
- Awarded the Japan Kendama Association Manufactures Cup
Nagai City Designated #1 4th Official Kendama production
- October 1992
- Built new production facility
- November 1992
- Established Hakushinsha Co., Ltd.
- October 2005
- Received new official designated Kendama factory certification from Yoshio
Kanai, chairman of the Japan Kendama Association.
The Japan Kendama Association held the 30th Anniversary of the Japan
Kendama Association in Nagai City.
We also held a 30th Anniversary of Kendama production even.
We hosted many related associations from all over Japan at our company.
- November 2005
- Changed our name from Yamagata Hakushinsha Co., Ltd. to
“Yamagata Koubou Co., Ltd.”
- January 2006
- Awarded the Japan Kendama Association Cup
- April 2008
- Began production of “Ozora”
- May 2009
- Began selling New colors of “Ozora” (Pink and Light Blue)
- November 2009
- Began selling large size Kendama “Taiyou”
- October 2012
- The attached "St mark" represents the safety standard of The Japan Toy Association.
- November 2012
- Established factory No.2.Developed wood processing section.
- March 2013
- "Ozora" is registered with the international registration of trade-marks.
- June 2013
- Gave a presentation at the "24th China Harbin International Economic Trade Show"
- September 2013
- Launched "Ozora premium".
- October 2013
- Established a Kendama booth at "Tohoku JAM 2013 in Ishinomaki".
- April 2014
- Participated in the Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction Project "KENDAMA TOHOKU".
- January 2015
- Established factory No.3.Developed producing capacity.
- March 2015
- Launched "Ozora street".
- August 2015
- Received certification from the Ministry of Economy as one of “The Wonder 500” homeland specialties.
- September 2015
- Established material storage No2.Developed raw material storage system.
- October 2015
- 「OZORA KENDAMA PERFORMANCE」 made a presentation at Milanoexpo-2015 as a group exhibitor of Yamagata prefecture.
- October 2015
- Awarded a prize of "Director of Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry "in the overseas deployment category of the "6th The monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award" which held by Ministry of Economy.
- October 2015
- Elected as an Encouragement company by "Excellent Design of Yamagata prefecture 2015".
- December 2015
- Awarded a prize of Wood Design 2015.
- February 2016
- Certified as a world record holder of 「The Longest Line of people catching a Kendama ball consecutively」 at Nagai city, Yamagata prefecture.

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